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Monday, November 1, 2010

Rams or Hams

This time of year as we approach breeding season I begin to look more closely at our rams. Their fleeces are soft and long and they seem to like to strut their stuff. Presently we have 4 adult rams and 2 ram lambs. As we don't breed that many ewes, 10 at max, we try not to accumulate that many boys. The rams we have kept are the "good boys", that is they have some special redeeming quality AND they are "good". Good meaning they don't bash fences, they don't fight with the other boys (well not much anyway) and, most importantly, they don't ram us! These pictures were taken about a month ago. I believe the girls were in view to them so they were showing their best sides. What hams!


McMeadows ROWAN



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